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JUNE Newsletter 2016
Going through the day with your eyes wide open
When you come to work in the morning, what are among the first things you do? We can try to guess, because we used to do it ourselves when we were working as clinicians. Isn’t it true that the first thing you do is to check the schedule to see what’s lined up for you? Well, this is about the results; you want to be able to do your procedures well, whatever they are. You also want to be able to handle your appointments accurately; diagnose appropriately and help pets. Isn’t it true? Read more
Your Half Time
In a sporting event, players are given a break at the half to refresh but also to take stock of what happened in the first half and to set a strategy for the second half. So when is your half time? When do you take time to regroup, note what has happened and plan for what’s going to happen? Have you met your goals in the first half? It doesn’t have to be the first half of your career or even the year; it can be the first half of any activity or project you are involved with. Read more
Important lessons that can help you live your life to the fullest
  • Think about what you think about and if you catch yourself thinking about unhappiness, ill health and adversity, “change the channel” and think about what you want to happen instead.
  • When something happens by chance, follow up. Lucky people tend to notice and act on good things that occur by chance.
  • Believe that good things will happen. Expectations have a way of coming true.
  • When bad things happen, look for the bright side; i.e., “what did I learn from that?” or, “how do I keep it from happening again?” Don't dwell on it, move on!
  • If the “horse dies”, dismount. Don't continue to pour money and effort into a lost cause.
  • Don't look for love in the wrong places; not just romantic love, but the love of “stuff”. Stuff is OK., but understand the delusion of “I'll be happy when I have this or that” or, “when I live over there, or when this happens”. Happiness is a state of mind in which our thinking is pleasant most of the time.
  • Failure is a choice made by the undisciplined. Failing to meet your objectives, regardless of what they are, is a choice, because something else has been given higher priority. If you fail, it is likely because you focus on the wrong things or you are functioning on autopilot.
  • You don't “catch” despair and you don't “catch” happiness; you “create” it by the “thoughts” you put into your mind. Carefully choose what you read, listen to, and the people with whom you associate.
  • Read more
Eliminate Worry
Everyone gets the same amount of time every day. With time being such a precious commodity, why is it that so many of us spend our days worrying?

Clearly understand, there isn't any situation that isn't made worse by worry. Worry never solves anything. Worry never prevents anything. Worry never heals anything. Worry serves only one purpose... it makes matters worse. How? Well, quite simply, when you are focused on worrying about something, you'll never be able to focus on a solution. Be aware that your mind cannot focus on two things at the same time... it can either focus on the current situation and worry, or a solution. The choice is always yours. You have greater control over your choices than you may think. Read more
Win Google’s Trust to Rank among Top Search Results
In the new Google dominated search environment, while all the legitimate SEO and content building strategies remain relevant, there is no bigger strategy than winning Google’s trust. Once you recognize this and move increasingly in the direction of Google’s webmaster guidelines, you will earn a sustainable place among the top three ranks on page one of Google search results. Read more
Special Offer
If you enjoyed the short topic excerpt from Naren’s new book “Game Over: A Veterinarian’s Guide to Google Domination;” read the whole book! Request your free digital copy by sending a simple email to with ‘book request’ as your subject line.
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