Expand your Pinterest Presence
Pinterest is an excellent marketing tool for several reasons and then some more. However the bottom line with Pinterest is this - Quality Pins lead to an increasing number of users connecting with you and your content. When this happens you automatically benefit from increased lead generations.
Expand Your Social Reach –
Pinterest is an excellent social tool to expanding your Social Reach across different social networks. Promote your Pinterest page over all the social platforms and embed Pinterest widgets or buttons on your company’s website. It is equally important to create pin boards which feature images that are specific to your brand.
Engage via visually appealing content –
There is a special focus on engaging content within the social sphere. Visual-based content is a critical aspect of the Pinterest platform; everything from photos to Infographics, and product packaging serve to give your business brand a visual boost.
Identify and Engage with Top Pinners –
One of the best ways of enhancing your Pinterest presence is by actively engaging with users who are top pinners of content that is relevant to your business brand. Tools such as PinReach and PinPuff allow users to measure the social reach of both pinners and individual pins. Once you have this information, you can use it to foster relationships with top pinners.
Increase Lead Generation –
One of the core goals of a Pinterest page is to drive traffic back to your website. Maintain a catalog of pin boards and pins featuring your products and services. The most effective Pinterest pages include a blend of lifestyle pins and product pins. Not only is this idea for increasing lead generation but also helps in driving engagement.
Analyze and measure your efforts –
It is vital that you analyze referral traffic and conversions, as well as visitor demographics using Google Analytics. Additionally, you can use tools such as Repinly and Pintics to analyze your competition while also enhancing site traffic.
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